Chauncey Marvin Holt
Chauncey Holt Chauncey Holt

Chauncey Marvin Holt was a self-described scoundrel. He worked for the Mafia, the CIA, and has acknowleged being one of the three "tramps" who were escorted to the Dallas Sheriff's department and released shortly after JFK's assassination.

Three Tramps JFK

Three Tramps JFK

And in the photo below, taken in New Orleans during the summer of 1963, Chauncey Holt is seen with Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald is on the left, facing the camera and smiling, while Chauncey Holt on the far right.

Lee Harvey Oswald and Chauncey Holt

Chauncey Holt
Video Evidence

Click here to see a YouTube video where Chauncey Holt talks about his life and his connection to the JFK assassination.

Click here to watch a video clip where a photo of Chauncey Holt is overlayed onto the photo of the shorter tramp. A perfect match!

Portrait of a Scoundrel

Chauncey Holt's autobiography, "Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel", is a fascinating read and can be seen and ordered by clicking here.

Chauncey Holt - Portrait of a Scoundrel